PAWS programs are continually developing and evolving to meet the needs of our clients.
Currently we focus on the Kansas City Region, however, applications for individual autism, PTSD, EDS or POTS service dogs are welcome from throughout the United States. All applications are considered on a case-by-case basis. We work with all above the age of 6.
Calming influences during the MCC Flights of Fancy Kite Festival with the KC Kite Club
Everywhere we go people want to know! Who we are. What we are doing. What kind of dog IS that? What are their names? How do they help? Every outing is an outreach and education opportunity in the community.
We are also available to speak with groups large and small, give in-services, or talk with families about how autism service dogs help. For local families who obtained their service dogs from an agency that does not provide local support for their clients or the school, we can assist with classroom integration or issues that may arise.
We are also available to speak with groups large and small, give in-services, or talk with families about how autism service dogs help. For local families who obtained their service dogs from an agency that does not provide local support for their clients or the school, we can assist with classroom integration or issues that may arise.
CASSIE program in action at Ozanam.
It always seems impossible until it is done.
— Nelson Mandela
The CASSIE (Canine Assisted Social Skills In Education) Program uses modified Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) techniques which targets social skills for individuals ages 6-18. Classes grouped by age (6-10 years, and 11-18 years) are offered. The classes are led by a Special Education Teacher, Autism Specialist, and Trainer who develops and measures individual goals for each student. CASSIE provides a FUN environment for kids who are interested and motivated by dogs to play and learn with peers. Social skills, including, but not limited to, conversation skills, body language, good sportsmanship, and classroom protocols are targeted during each class. All activities in class center on dogs, making it highly motivating for students to work as a team and develop friendships. Partner work and group work are included in each class, including actual dog training. By working with other students with a common interest, the building blocks to developing friendships are in place. The dog training portion of class, where students are given the leash, is the highlight of each class. When the dog responds to the student’s direction, it gives the student a boost of confidence and keeps them coming back for more!
Some of the skills addressed each week include:
- Raising your hand when asking a question
- Keeping conversations on topic
- Recognizing feelings through the body language of others
- Speaking with appropriate voice volume
- Showing good sportsmanship during games
- Exhibiting expected classroom behaviors
Students in CASSIE typically have very high functioning autism or exhibit similar behaviors. Students must enjoy dogs to benefit from this program. Many of our students are passionate about dogs. Students who exhibit any physical or verbal aggression or who have a behavior intervention plan in place are not appropriate candidates for the group class and should instead consider our individual sessions.
We are also available to incorporate our CASSIE program into existing childcare or youth residential settings such as our groups from the OACES program at Ozanam. Please contact us to find out more!
An application and therapist approval are required prior to enrollment. Currently we have a waitlist.
We are also available to incorporate our CASSIE program into existing childcare or youth residential settings such as our groups from the OACES program at Ozanam. Please contact us to find out more!
An application and therapist approval are required prior to enrollment. Currently we have a waitlist.
Why raise a PAWS puppy? Your first answer might be, “because puppies are so cuddly, adorable and fun!” Although you’re right, puppies are incredibly cute and raising a PAWS puppy is a lot of fun, raising a future service dog also takes time, patience, and commitment. Our volunteers all share one trait in common: they are willing to devote the time, energy, and love necessary to socialize a puppy.
Carefully selected puppy raisers ensure that PAWS dogs are properly socialized and well-mannered. These dogs need exposure to all types of people and all kinds of environments. Puppies need stimulation, rest, and patient handling. The puppy-raiser’s goal is to raise an energetic and curious pup into a mature, dependable dog.
Although there is a lot of work involved in raising a PAWS puppy, the rewards are tremendous. By raising a PAWS puppy, you will have made a huge difference in the quality of life for a child with autism and their family. Often, puppy raisers stay connected with the graduate's family and get to see the magic their hard work has made and how they have helped make such a positive difference in someone's life.
Through our Puppy Partners and Weekend Warriors Programs, local families (~30-mile radius) are able to truly become a part of the training process. They get to train and live with several different dogs throughout their tenure in the program and gain the experience and confidence of becoming basic trainers themselves. This program also ensures the best match for both the family and the dog. There is an extensive application process and participation is limited. Weekend Warriors play a huge part in the training process, helping our pups learn how to adjust to new situations quickly, reducing the likelihood of separation anxiety.
Carefully selected puppy raisers ensure that PAWS dogs are properly socialized and well-mannered. These dogs need exposure to all types of people and all kinds of environments. Puppies need stimulation, rest, and patient handling. The puppy-raiser’s goal is to raise an energetic and curious pup into a mature, dependable dog.
Although there is a lot of work involved in raising a PAWS puppy, the rewards are tremendous. By raising a PAWS puppy, you will have made a huge difference in the quality of life for a child with autism and their family. Often, puppy raisers stay connected with the graduate's family and get to see the magic their hard work has made and how they have helped make such a positive difference in someone's life.
Through our Puppy Partners and Weekend Warriors Programs, local families (~30-mile radius) are able to truly become a part of the training process. They get to train and live with several different dogs throughout their tenure in the program and gain the experience and confidence of becoming basic trainers themselves. This program also ensures the best match for both the family and the dog. There is an extensive application process and participation is limited. Weekend Warriors play a huge part in the training process, helping our pups learn how to adjust to new situations quickly, reducing the likelihood of separation anxiety.
We provide Professional Therapy and Facility dogs that assist professionals in the fields of education, counseling, healthcare, retirement, or the legal system.
Our continued commitment to serving youth in the autism community drives this organization to provide every opportunity to foster and encourage each participant and volunteer to help increase autism awareness and support for the community at large. Autistic youth are not afforded the same advantages that non-challenged youth in the community enjoy. Many will leave the educational system with little more than basic life skills. This program, if sustained, will expand the social and work skills of this demographic. Our Train the Trainers Program will allow youth, who have been diagnosed as falling within the autism spectrum, to help train autism service dogs for other youth at a reduced cost. While helping train service and therapy dogs, youth in our Train the Trainers Program will attain a more comprehensive skill set and will be provided the opportunity to learn both job and social skills, thus increasing their long-term employability.
Through this program, Paws 4 Autism hopes to achieve the following:
Through this program, Paws 4 Autism hopes to achieve the following:
- Teach autistic youth and young adults employable job skills.
- Teach autistic youth and young adults social skills that are more readily acceptable to the general public.
- Attain a greater capacity to train autism service dogs for youth and young adults in our service area.
- Increasing connection to the community through expanded fostering opportunities.
The EIP Training Center will be a community-based service dog training and autism awareness center. Paws 4 Autism will use the facility as a physical location to provide daytime obedience training for service dogs, as well as provide an opportunity for youth and young adults on the autism spectrum to take part in hands-on training. This will increase the number of service dogs that Paws 4 Autism can provide, allow more families to foster our puppies in training, and provide an opportunity for youth and young adult volunteers to learn valuable life skills and work on social skills.